Sad news

Bisou (cocker spaniel) smilingIt’s taken me a little while to be able to post this, but it’s time. Back in 2008, we adopted a little cocker spaniel, whom we named Bisou (= “kiss”). She’s been a delight, once she outgrew her overwhelming desire to chew the leather couches we had at the time. She’d been considered as a show dog, but she was a bit too timid to be happy doing that, so we were the lucky ones who were her new family. I fell in love with her photo and never even considered not getting her.

On the left is the photo that first caught my attention and made me want to adopt her.



We had just a few days short of fourteen years happy years with her. She loved our grandchildren, and she wanted nothing more than to be at home and have visitors or to keep me company in the sewing room as I worked on a quilt. In January of this year, however, she started having some kidney issues. We thought they were minor and that we still had time, but we were wrong. She was 14.5 when we had to make the last trip to the vet so that she wouldn’t suffer. RIP, Bisou.

Bisou under the quilt rack

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