Trying again

Some time ago, I made a beaded shawl called Accola as part of a Craftsy class. It was really pretty, but I made the small size and realized that it would be much more useful for my purposes if I’d made it larger. Tearing the original one apart was going to be more work than I thought I wanted to put into it, since it begins with a bottom edging, with stitches picked up all along the length of that to make the body of the shawl. Finally, more stitches are picked up to make the top border.

I decided that it was probably easier to just begin fresh, especially since I had some of the yarn left that I’d wanted to use for it. I picked out new beads and have begun again. This time, I’m doing a much better job of getting the beads to lie where they belong, too! This will be slow going, considering how many stitches I’ve begun with and how many decreases I”ll need to make. 😉 But I’m enjoying it. Here’s what the center panel looks like so far after I’ve added about a dozen rows to the lower border. (Sorry about that shadow!)

As for quilting, I’m in a bit of a quandary at the moment. I want to try a new-to-me thread for some machine appliqué, but I haven’t been able to find it yet; everyone seems to be sold out right now. I may have to reassess my options if I can’t find it soon. 😉

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