
8 posts

Fiori di Cuore

What’s Fiori di Cuore, you ask? I don’t know what it actually means, but it’s the name of a sweater pattern that I began making last fall and finally finished this week. LOL! Actually, fiori are flowers, and cuore is a heart — but does someone out there know what they […]

A storm and a finished shawl

Tuesday we had enormous winds, bringing a storm from Canada to our normally-warm area. The cold wasn’t what bothered our little Bisou, though; it was the noise from the wind rattling the shutters and banging branches against windows. She’s a timid little thing, and she was just quaking in my […]

Accola — take two

Some time ago, I made this shawl as a project for a Craftsy class. I love the shawl, but it’s really too small to be useful to me. Sad, isn’t it? Anyway, I had some of the yarn left and decided to make it again in a larger size. I […]

Trying again

Some time ago, I made a beaded shawl called Accola as part of a Craftsy class. It was really pretty, but I made the small size and realized that it would be much more useful for my purposes if I’d made it larger. Tearing the original one apart was going […]

New “stuff”

 I’ve been working on a Craftsy class on doing beaded knitting for some time now. I’d already made one shawl from the class, and today I finished blocking the second/last one. This one is actually from a pattern I used in my very first Craftsy class, but the beads were […]


I’ve mentioned before that I’m taking another class at Craftsy, this one called Knitting with Beads, taught by Laura Nelkin. Today I finished the first of two shawls for this class, and I’m now waiting for it to dry after having blocked it. 🙂 I love the color of the […]