
75 posts

It’s *hot*!

The Las Vegas area is hot in the summertime. That’s just a fact of life. But our little Bisou has the right idea — just cool off any way you can. So she lies on the cool tile floors when possible, and each time either of us gets ice for […]


As I mentioned in my last post, we recently went to visit my twin and her family in France. She and her husband live near Paris, so we flew from Las Vegas to London and from there to Paris. The day after we arrived, the four of us went to […]

Mother’s Day flowers

I’ve just realized that I completely forgot to post a photo of my Mother’s Day flowers! Oops! When my daughter and son-in-law gave them to me on Saturday evening (a week ago already), they were mostly green buds. I brought them home and put them in water, and they’re lasting […]