Omigosh! I can hardly believe that it’s been over a month since I last posted! In my defense, I’ve been busy with family things and general life “stuff”. I’m still working — slowly — on the saguaro quilt, though. It’s all pieced and sandwiched, and my quilting is in progress. […]
free motion
At 85″ x 85″, this Ribbon Weave quilt is much larger than I usually make. Thank goodness for the suspension system I purchased last spring! Wrestling something of this size through my Bernina 790+ would have been exhausting otherwise! If I’d thought through what I was doing, I think I’d […]
I’m still working — slowly — on the same quilt as I showed you previously. It’s slow going, since there are always (of course!) interruptions. It’s also quite a bit larger than my usual quilts, due to a lack of forethought before I started it. Thank goodness I have that […]
I have a terrible time deciding how I want to quilt my quilts! I’ve been waffling and debating with myself for weeks about how I want to quilt this one — as usual. But at least I’ve finally decided on how I want to do the large white blocks; I’ll […]
Ta-da! It’s done! 🙂 This quilt actually went together rather quickly, from the drafting to the quilting. In fact, deciding on how to quilt it probably took longer than any other part of the process. However, I’ve always loved both feathered stars and LeMoyne stars, so it was a no-brainer […]
Wow! I just realized that it’s been almost a month since I’ve posted anything! Good thing I don’t really have a schedule, right? 😉 Anyway, I’ve been dithering about how I wanted to quilt my current quilt, but I’ve also made some decisions. This is a “teaser” to show that […]