Some time ago I saw a little purse advertised online and thought it would be fun to make for my granddaughter. I ordered the design, the threads, and a frame to close it. Unfortunately, I ran into a problem right away when the design was only available as a download with the mailed code, and the web site wasn’t Mac-friendly. Okay, after a few phone calls and emails, that was resolved. The next problem popped up with some of the threads I received being duplicates and others missing. More emails and phone calls, and that was also eventually resolved. Whew! Now I could get started. What I hadn’t realized was that most of the threads were very heavy — 15wt, rather than the more usual 40wt. My Bernina really hated those heavy threads — I fought with the gears of death every several stitches. Needless to say, I won’t be using such heavy threads again in the future!
Since this purse was for my granddaughter, I wanted to put her initial on it, so I made sure to do that with “normal” threads to minimize problems. I finished the project this morning, glued the frame in place, and delivered it this afternoon to a delighted young lady. 🙂
4 thoughts on “Embroidered purse”
Great job. I made a clasp purse for my GRAND just two weeks ago. d
It’s fun to make things for them, isn’t it, Denise? 🙂
Hi Sandy. You are a real artist !!!!!!!!
Thanks, Diana, but I didn’t design this, so I can’t really take credit. 🙂