Yet another class

Perhaps two classes in the space of a week, when one is out of state and the other is in town, are a bit much, but I do enjoy exploring new-to-me techniques. The class I took yesterday was quite different from the quail of last weekend, as it uses a grid technique to reproduce an image from a photo. Sandra Bruce was the instructor for this, and she was inspired to create this technique after seeing the paintings done by Chuck Close. The photo we used was of a tomato/strawberry pin cushion, but I suspect that I shouldn’t show it to you, as it isn’t mine. However, if you go look at Sandra’s links, you’ll probably see what we used.

IMG_0312At any rate, there are ten rows of nine 2″ blocks in the design we worked on, and I think most of us finished about three rows, though one quilter raced along and completed four! 🙂 Today I worked on it again, tweaking two of the 2″ blocks from yesterday and adding two more rows. While I sewed together yesterday’s rows in class to make bringing them home less confusing, today I simply created the blocks and will sew them together later, when I’m sure none need to be switched around or changed in any way.

Can you see the strawberry and part of the tomato pin cushion? There’s also the very beginning of a spool of yellow thread! This is fun, though it’s pretty fiddly in some places, as not all of the curves are gentle and easy to stitch! The bottom of the strawberry, especially was really tricky. However, Sandra’s idea is that the curves don’t have to match exactly from one piece to the next, as the eye makes the correction for us. We’ll see. 😉

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