The other night my husband and I went out to dinner. The restaurant we chose is located in a very pretty shopping district, and this was the view that greeted us as we walked along the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. Isn’t it pretty? The combination of the dusky […]
Last night I finished my little Storm at Sea miniature — quilted, bound and labeled. 🙂 It was a fun little project to do, and John Flynn’s laser-cut kits are definitely very precise and easy to piece. This one ended up being 21″ wide by 23.5″ long after I’d added […]
I didn’t cook Christmas dinner at home, as we had our family dinner at our daughter’s house. So “leftovers” here are baked goods. I tried a new-to-me Martha Stewart recipe this year, along with a few of our usual favorites, and it was a hit wherever I took it. There’s […]
Today I added borders to my miniature Storm at Sea. I chose purple for the inner border to give good contrast and teal for the outer border to tie into some of the other colors in the top. Now it measures about 21″ x 24″. The next step, of course, […]
My sewing/computer room is a smallish bedroom, so by the time I have my computer desk, my sewing table, a rocking chair for handwork, and a few little extras, there’s very little space left over. I posted a few photos in an early blog post. One of the problems I […]