This has been a fun little project, and now it’s in the completed column! I’ve just put the finishing stitches in today, and I’m hoping  to be able to get busy on the next project very soon. 🙂 The embroidery motifs for this one were free downloads from San Francisco […]
Free motion quilting
Time has slipped past me while playing with our new dog and having a fun trip to the Houston show, but I have two new quilts to post here, neither of which is my usual “stuff”. First of all, while I absolutely love free-motion quilting, I’ve been wondering what it […]
It’s finished! Yay! I used swirls in most of the background — and there’s a lot of background in this quilt — hoping to suggest the blowing wind. By the time I’d finished them, I was royally tired of swirls! I quilted the saguaro itself with straight-ish lines interrupted by […]
Omigosh! I can hardly believe that it’s been over a month since I last posted! In my defense, I’ve been busy with family things and general life “stuff”. I’m still working — slowly — on the saguaro quilt, though. It’s all pieced and sandwiched, and my quilting is in progress. […]
At 85″ x 85″, this Ribbon Weave quilt is much larger than I usually make. Thank goodness for the suspension system I purchased last spring! Wrestling something of this size through my Bernina 790+ would have been exhausting otherwise! If I’d thought through what I was doing, I think I’d […]
I’m still working — slowly — on the same quilt as I showed you previously. It’s slow going, since there are always (of course!) interruptions. It’s also quite a bit larger than my usual quilts, due to a lack of forethought before I started it. Thank goodness I have that […]