Monthly Archives: November 2023

3 posts

Deep purple golf towel with white motif of crossed clubs, tee & ball and monogram (MAF).

Quick gift

When I was in Houston this year, there was a stand selling all sorts of things to embroider, including plush golf towels. When I noticed that there were purple towels, I had to buy one for my husband. Today I added a little motif and his monogram. What made the […]

A small embroidered set of scissor case and pin cushion. They are grey fabric with a red rose, green leaves and white lacy stitching. The scissor case is about 6" tall, while the pin cushion is roughly 2" x 1.5".

A quick gift

I recently stitched up this cute set that I’ll be gifting in the coming holiday season. The designs came from Embroidery Library. My Bernina made short work of that! The flap of the scissor case is actually freestanding lace and is hand stitched onto the top of the case. The […]