My sewing room has been put into “shrink” mode so that I can begin the quilting on my most recent project. LOL! I needed to extend the back leaf of my table to support the quilt’s bulk, so the room is suddenly about two feet narrower than usual, and moving […]
Oh my! I can hardly believe it’s been so long since my last post! I have all sorts of excuses, ranging from being under the weather to holiday prep and family doings, but of course we all have those. LOL! A few weeks ago, I began working on La Vie […]
This is Enchanted Pumpkin, designed by Claudia Dinnell. Can’t you just see it getting ready to become Cinderella’s carriage? I used my wonderful Bernina 780 to appliqué, embroider, piece, and quilt it. The embroidered appliqué alone took about a dozen re-hoopings, which always makes me nervous. In fact, I did […]
The International Quilt Festival was this past week, and I was lucky enough to get to go again. I love going to that show! It’s especially great because I get to spend time with my very good friend, as well as with others I don’t see at any other time. […]
Anyone who does machine quilting on a domestic machine for any length of time knows the value of having a silicon sheet for the bed of the machine. That silicon sheet allows the quilt sandwich to slide easily, reducing drag and reducing strain on the quilter’s shoulders and arms. It’s […]
Pieced, quilted, bound and labelled — it’s done! I’ve mentioned before that I’m not pleased with the way I quilted this, but finished is good, so I refuse to wallow in regrets; I’m happy that it’s finished. The pattern came from KwiltArt, where you can find a wide variety of […]