
132 posts


A few days ago I went to my local quilt shop, Quiltique, to get some fabric glue for a project I was working on. While there, I happened upon a really cute gift item that I simply couldn’t leave there; it was perfect for me and for many people I […]

Baby bib

I’m in the middle of packing away most of my quilting paraphernalia, as well as most of my house, in anticipation of some new tile being laid in the not-too-distant future. What makes this doubly difficult is that the old tile must be taken out first; given that both “sets” of […]

Necessity is …

I have a sad story with a happy ending, so let’s get to it. I have a very nice sewing cabinet, made by Tracey’s Tables. It has left-side and back extensions that go up when I want to work on a large, flat surface, and there’s also a “corner” extension that flips back […]

Modern Clutch

Last fall I updated my iPhone to the 6s model, though I was really wishing I could keep the size of the 5s I was replacing; little did I know that the iPhone SE was coming out! Still, there are some features on the 6s that I like a lot, […]