A few years ago I bought a tool and a pattern at Susan Cleveland’s booth at the Houston show. As happens all too often, both ended up in a drawer with a promise of using them “someday”. Then last year I came across a little bundle of linen rectangles, each a […]
As I was working on the project I last showed you, it suddenly occurred to me that it would work very well in my granddaughter’s bedroom! Even better, her birthday is coming up this Friday, so I now had a deadline to work towards — and I made it. 🙂 Of course, […]
I’ve had a difficult time getting going on a new project, but a couple of days ago I ran across a kit for a very small dresser scarf; I’d hidden it away a few years ago for future use. I decided that the mindless piecing involved would be a good way […]
I was delighted with how things went for me at our local show this past weekend. There were some really beautiful quilts, but I have ribbons on two of the four pieces I’d entered! People who earn ribbons are given badges to wear at the show, which is a nice touch. It […]
What are you doing for this special weekend? My local guild, Desert Quilters of Nevada, is having our annual quilt show! This is a three-day event (Friday through Sunday) that takes all year to coordinate. Finally, last Monday those of us who were entering quilts for the show delivered them to the […]
I finally finished my quail quilt last night ! I can’t wait to hang it in the spot I’ve decided will be just right for it. While I usually rotate which quilts are out from one season to the next, I suspect this one will stay put, simply because it’s going quite […]