
341 posts


Last week at our group’s meeting, one of our members showed us how to make some folded star potholders. Coincidentally, I needed a new pair, so I made these. They’re fairly thick with all of the folded fabric, and of course there’s insulation inside to prevent burns, so they should […]

Koala Studio Cabinet

I’ve had a terrific sewing machine cabinet for many years, and it would have lasted me many more. However, I have a storage problem in my little sewing room, so in March I began considering a change in cabinets. My timing was pretty good, too, since there was a Bernina […]

Ditching it

Don’t get me wrong — I enjoy the quilting portion of making a quilt. Still, before doing the fun free-motion part, a certain amount of stitching in the ditch is necessary to stabilize the quilt and prevent the layers shifting. That part is sort of boring, IMHO. But that’s the part I’ve […]

Machine quilting practice, installment two

Actually, this is probably installment four, since the first step in this online project was to trace the main parts of the design and sandwich the little quilt. The second was to quilt along the wavy lines and then quilt flying geese inside those. The third step was to draw three large […]

Machine quilting practice

Not too long ago I found out about a challenge sponsored by Teri Lucas on her Facebook page. It’s a slow challenge, with the steps — two so far — coming every few weeks. The challenge is intended to give the participants some practice in free-motion quilting, and so far it’s been fun. The […]

Latest “doings”

I was thinking back recently and realized that I hadn’t touched my sewing machine since before Christmas! Things have been busy, what with the holiday season, our brief trip, my mother’s death, and other life “things”. However, at the end of January, Angela Walters came to our local guild and gave […]