
125 posts

Badge Holder

My quilt buddy, Phyl, and I go to the Houston Festival each year, and we need to keep our badges handy for easy entry to the show and to any classes we take. Not really a problem, right? Except that I detest the badge holders that go around the neck! […]

A new name tag

I enjoy attending meetings of the quilt group (such a fun group!) to which I belong here, and one of our very few rules is that we must wear a name tag. That’s actually a great rule, considering how bad I am at remembering people’s names! 😉 The name tag […]

Unicorn bed

We’ve recently become acquainted with a cute little girl who just happens to have a magic stuffed unicorn. It’s magic in that it eats when no one can see it. Unfortunately, when she’s with her father, the unicorn has no bed — a completely unacceptable situation, as I’m sure you’ll agree. […]

Koala Studio Cabinet

I’ve had a terrific sewing machine cabinet for many years, and it would have lasted me many more. However, I have a storage problem in my little sewing room, so in March I began considering a change in cabinets. My timing was pretty good, too, since there was a Bernina […]

Personalized bibs

There’s a new baby in the extended family! She’s the daughter of one of my nephews and his wife and joins a big brother who is now two. They’re French, so I don’t get to see them often; in fact, I’ve never seen any of my sister’s four grandchildren, sadly. One […]