My quilt buddy, Phyl, and I go to the Houston Festival each year, and we need to keep our badges handy for easy entry to the show and to any classes we take. Not really a problem, right? Except that I detest the badge holders that go around the neck! […]
I enjoy attending meetings of the quilt group (such a fun group!) to which I belong here, and one of our very few rules is that we must wear a name tag. That’s actually a great rule, considering how bad I am at remembering people’s names! đ The name tag […]
We’ve recently become acquainted with a cute little girl who just happens to have a magic stuffed unicorn. It’s magic in that it eats when no one can see it. Unfortunately, when she’s with her father, the unicorn has no bed — a completely unacceptable situation, as I’m sure you’ll agree. […]
I’ve had a terrific sewing machine cabinet for many years, and it would have lasted me many more. However, I have a storage problem in my little sewing room, so in March I began considering a change in cabinets. My timing was pretty good, too, since there was a Bernina […]
There’s a new baby in the extended family! She’s the daughter of one of my nephews and his wife and joins a big brother who is now two. They’re French, so I don’t get to see them often; in fact, I’ve never seen any of my sister’s four grandchildren, sadly. One […]
This time, my latest Christmas quilt is almost finished! I’ve completed the quilting, applied the piping and binding, made and attached a label and hanging sleeve. So what’s left? I’m seriously considering adding some crystals for some extra sparkle, which is something I’ve never done before. That step will have to wait, though, […]