Apples and cheesecake

I belong to an online community of people who are fans of Apple technology. It’s fun group and, even better, no one ever has a mean word to say to anyone else. In fact, I can’t recall a mean word being said about other brands, either, when someone is comparing such-and-such a feature. The person in charge is known as Podfeet, and she’s more than ably assisted by her husband. Both of them are extremely generous in sharing knowledge and expertise. As a sort of thank-you for all that they do, I made a quilted cushion with the old Apple logo on it for them; the newer logo just didn’t excite me for this project. The apples are appliquéd with invisible thread, and for the quilting I used a combination of free-motion stitching around the apples and ruler work in the blank blocks.

On the reverse side, I added the Podfeet logo and the tagline she uses at the beginning of each of her podcasts. Multicolored piping around the edge finished the cushion off.

Okay, that takes care of the apples. 😉 As for the cheesecake, one of my grandsons recently texted me a very broad hint that he’d like me to make a chocolate and peanut butter cheesecake. What’s a grandmother to do? Of course I had to take him up on it! I had already sort of earmarked a recipe I’d found online for that very thing, so it was easy enough to zip to the store and get the necessary ingredients. Yesterday three of my five grandchildren, one daughter and son-in-law, and my husband and I all sampled the finished item. Oh my! It was pretty darned good, if I do say so. Naturally, slices of it also had to go home for the two grandchildren who couldn’t come, as well as for our other daughter and her fiancé. Now, what to do with the leftovers? 😉

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