My shoulder is doing much better now, and I’ll just have to remember not to push myself to do too much at one sitting so as not to strain it again. 🙂 I’m currently working on the large white sections around the edges of the central part of the top. The four corners measure just over 18 inches on each of the short sides, and the four smaller side sections measure a little more than 17 inches across the long side. I’d always intended to do large sprays of feathers in these, and I’ve now finished all four corners and one of the side sections. I’m keeping the feathers simple, with no echoing or fillers around them, as a contrast to the quilting I did in the blocks.

I’ve used a ruler to do the central “eye shape” in each of the sprays, and I haven’t bothered to change from the ruler foot to the more usual free-motion foot for the remaining feathers; it’s just as easy to do it all with the ruler foot!
2 thoughts on “Back to the project”
Looking good! Take it easy on your shoulder.
Today is “intake day” for all the quilts heading for our show June 8,9, and 10th. I’ve been busy taking photographs of almost all the quilts so we’ll have a CD for sale at the show. We’ve already had 2 photo sessions, but are trying to catch the last minute quilters today. We are just home for dinner, then heading back for another 2 hours this evening. I love the quilt show, but will be happy when all the work is over. We have 2 days for set-up, 3 days for the show, and 1 day to get all the stands etc. returned to the storage lockers!
Thanks, Susan! I can sympathize with your work schedule, as I’ve been very busy in past years with our local show, too. The last few years, however, I’ve curtailed how much I do, though I still volunteer. Without volunteers, no show — especially on the local level — can succeed and continue. Kudos to you for doing this for your group!