Happy Thanksgiving!

If, like me, you live in the US, you may be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, and I hope it’s a very happy one for you. 🙂 I haven’t posted much in the past couple of weeks for a few reasons.

First, my knitting project was “off” due to my mismeasuring. I’ve had to begin again with corrected measurements.

Second, my beautiful Bernina 780 is in the shop to see why my thread insists upon shredding as I do my ditch stitching prior to beginning the free-motion work on ‘Tis the Season. I hope to get it back soon. I could, of course, quilt on the 630 I like so much, but I really want to take advantage of the extra harp space on the 780. Oh well.

IMG_0988I’ve spent the past couple of days, though, preparing and baking the pumpkin pies I’ll be taking to our daughter’s house tomorrow. We’re also taking a smoked turkey, as my husband does a scrumptious smoked turkey. Other members of the family and some friends will also bring things to share, but these are  the pies I made and decorated with leaf cutouts.

I don’t have many family recipes, but this one is from my grandmother, and it’s full of butter, cream, eggs, and sherry. Our whole family loves these pies. 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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