I’ve had a difficult time getting going on a new project, but a couple of days ago I ran across a kit for a very small dresser scarf; I’d hidden it away a few years ago for future use. I decided that the mindless piecing involved would be a good way to get myself going again, as it’s all easy half-square triangles. 🙂 This was the first time I’d tried doing the stabilizing stitching in all of the “ditches” with the built-in even feed on my Bernina 780, rather than with a walking foot, and I’m absolutely delighted with the results! The stitching was easier and faster, and visibility was excellent. 🙂
Now I’m practicing some straight lines done free-motion with a ruler and ruler foot. Half of the triangles will have these lines, and the other half will have a curved motif for some variety. The colors are soft, and I think it will make a good gift. 🙂
7 thoughts on “Practice”
Love your ruler work! Small, simple projects are the best way to get your quilting groove back!
I’ve been reading about the “ruler feet” available, but wasn’t sure about them for the Bernina. Is yours a Bernina foot, or from some other make and model?
Thanks, Susan. 🙂 My foot is a Parrs-Reel version for the Bernina, and I like it a lot; I blogged about it here. However, if/when Bernina comes out with a ruler foot for the home machines, I’ll probably get that.
Your dresser scarf is going to be very pretty when it’s done.
Thanks! 🙂
What fun. I like the idea of expanding the variety of things one can do, so I’ll check out that post on the foot you’re using. My machines aren’t that fancy, but maybe I’ll find something helpful anyway.
Susan, there are ruler feet available for a wide variety of machines, so there may be something for yours, too, fancy or not. 🙂 Good luck finding yours; working with rulers really is fun!