Where did the time go?

Gosh, I hadn’t realized it had been so long since my last post! A couple of days after that one, though, I went to Phoenix for Quilting in the Desert, staying with a dear friend and her three dogs for almost a week. You may remember that I have a little cocker spaniel; however, what you don’t know is that I used to have Dobermans, so it’s not as though I’ve never been around large dogs. In fact, up until not too long ago, we had a big lab-chow mix! Phyl’s family includes a Golden Retriever and two black standard poodles. What is always a surprise to me about them is that they’re so light on their feet! I was used to big dogs having a certain amount of “heft” to them, but these poodles can jump on me, and I have absolutely no chance of being knocked over. (G)
As for Phyl and me, we stayed pretty busy during my stay. We each had a class to attend, and we went out to dinner a couple of times (YUM!) and to the theater (great play!) once. We did our own mini-shop-hop one day, updated some computer stuff for each of us, and did our own “class” on wool appliqué (Phyl was the instructor, and I was the student). Above all, we laughed and had a great time. 🙂
I don’t know where my head was, but I completely forgot to take pictures of most of what we did. But I did take a picture of the three dogs waiting for their treat. I guess that tells you where my priorities were. 😉

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