Oops! It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted anything here, but time has just slipped by. I’m still working on a Christmas project with embroidered blocks from the San Francisco Stitch Company, part of which project you can see here. In addition, I’m also knitting a cardigan to use during […]
I can’t even remember when I began knitting this cardigan, but I finished it a week or so ago. It’s actually the same design as this one, which is a Custom Fit design, tailored to my measurements. However, this time I switched out the design on the front for a different […]
I’ve been using a tyvek tote from a quilt show as a knitting bag for the past few years. It worked okay, but lately it was tipping over if I didn’t watch how I had things arranged inside. Yes, I could have taken some of my less-used paraphernalia out, but […]
I couldn’t resist! Aren’t these the cutest stitch markers ever? I ran across this site last week and simply had to order. The variety there is amazing — everything from the puppy paw prints like mine or in various colors to owls, sheep, mittens, ladybugs, or almost anything you could […]
I’ve been concentrating on finishing the cardigan I’ve been working on, as I want to be able to get a lot of use out of it this fall and winter. I put the last stitches in last night, and I’m very happy with the result. Because it’s a Custom Fit […]
I’ve been working on knitting a new cardigan for the past few months; like my in-progress quilt, it’s been a little at a time. Anyway, I finally finished all five pieces and blocked them this morning, ready to stitch together. Once that joining is done, I’ll still have to add […]