Years ago, when our daughters were little, I made Christmas stockings for them. Then I made stockings for grandchildren (except for the ones who got needlepointed stockings from another relative — gorgeous!), and finally one for our son-in-law. This year I decided that my husband and I were deprived. […]
I’ve posted before about giving our grandchildren Christmas ornaments each year, and I got a bit of a head start on them this year. Using the Embrilliance software that I really should know more about, I created some snowflakes for this year’s “batch”. Each snowflake is different, though I’ll admit […]
With the fast-approaching Christmas season — many would argue that the season has already begun — we’ve decorated our home, as usual. However, there are two new decorations, both of which I showed you when I made them many months ago. But now they’re out of their “holding pattern” and […]
… a lot like Christmas! And I’m wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and a healthy and happy New Year.
I can hardly believe it’s already time to wish all of you a very Happy New Year, with all good things to come your way! If you’re interested in that sort of thing, I have just received some statistics from WordPress about the visitors to this blog: which of my […]
Merry Christmas to all of us who celebrate this day, and happy holidays to all those who celebrate something else! My family — three generations — will be together this evening, celebrating a little early in order to have everyone together. What could be better than family gathered to eat […]