free motion

108 posts


I’m between actual projects at the moment and awaiting inspiration for my next one. However, I decided to take advantage of the down time to practice my free-motion quilting a bit. It’s rather nice to do this, not only to try to improve, but also because there’s no stress involved, […]

Machine quilting practice, part 4

This is the latest installment of the Lucy’s Nickels project I’ve been doing. This time we were supposed to do swirls that overlapped to make a sort of curved crosshatching pattern. While it was fun to do, I suspect it would be more effective if I’d done more overlaps. We’re […]

Coming down the home stretch

I’m *so* disappointed in the majority of the quilting I’ve done on this quilt! That said, I’m pretty pleased with the outer border. I used some of Lisa Calle’s rulers to make the double swag, which enclosed some large feathers. Then I used another of her rulers to do the […]