First of all, I’m still — slowly — working on my New York Beauty blocks! The past few days have been a bit busier than usual with “other” stuff, though, so progress continues on a not-rushed basis. 😉 Today, though, I’m posting about a class I was lucky enough to […]
Oh my! I can hardly believe it’s been so long since my last post! I have all sorts of excuses, ranging from being under the weather to holiday prep and family doings, but of course we all have those. LOL! A few weeks ago, I began working on La Vie […]
This is Enchanted Pumpkin, designed by Claudia Dinnell. Can’t you just see it getting ready to become Cinderella’s carriage?  I used my wonderful Bernina 780 to appliqué, embroider, piece, and quilt it. The embroidered appliqué alone took about a dozen re-hoopings, which always makes me nervous. In fact, I did […]
My birthday was last summer, but one of the gifts I was given was to attend a two-day workshop at Quiltique, which is quite near my home. The workshop was called Bernina Academy and was to give tips and hints on how to deal with different types of fabrics. I’m […]
I’m between actual projects at the moment and awaiting inspiration for my next one. However, I decided to take advantage of the down time to practice my free-motion quilting a bit. It’s rather nice to do this, not only to try to improve, but also because there’s no stress involved, […]
Anyone who does machine quilting on a domestic machine for any length of time knows the value of having a silicon sheet for the bed of the machine. That silicon sheet allows the quilt sandwich to slide easily, reducing drag and reducing strain on the quilter’s shoulders and arms. It’s […]