While in Houston last fall, I ran across this pattern and simply couldn’t resist! The expressions on the faces are just delightful, so the pattern came home with me. I pretty much followed the colors as given on the pattern, since I wasn’t really sure what colors llamas really are, […]
During my trip to the Houston Festival in November, I saw a pattern that I thought was just too cute to pass up. Along with the pattern, I also bought a “grab bag” of Cherrywood fabrics — all pieces in different colors and approximately 8″ x 10″ in size — […]
I absolutely love going to the Houston Quilt Festival, and I’m very lucky to be able to do so. I left home last Wednesday and returned home on Sunday, and it was so much fun to meet up with old friends and see the gorgeous quilts and the amazing vendors! […]
I’ve shown you the four adorable little blocks designed by the San Francisco Stitch Company, and they also offered designs for the borders and corners to finish up the project. I’ve just completed the stitching on those, and my Bernina 790+ did a wonderful job with all of it. 🙂 […]
I’ve had a couple of towels hanging around for some time; the designs I’d originally planned to put on them just weren’t exciting me any longer. However, I had two other designs that I do like, so …. Lining up designs like these to get them straight can be pretty […]
I like to keep a pincushion with an attached bag next to my sewing machine so as not to end up with a zillion threads all over the floor for my dog to eat. 😉 I’ve had my last one for several years — I honestly can’t remember when I […]