I’ve made other bags designed by Annie Unrein, but this is the most recent, finished just this evening. This pattern has three different sizes, and I made the medium one. I’m planning to use this to keep all of the accessories for my electronic devices handy when I travel — […]
A good friend of mine made Annie Unrein’s On the Go Bag and liked it except for the size. It was simply too big for convenient use at — for example — a quilt show. Previously, I’d made Annie’s Name Tag Bag, and I love it, except for being able […]
Today is our granddaughter’s fifth birthday! I can hardly believe she’s five already, and she’s the youngest of our five grandchildren. Yikes! Naturally, we bought her a toy that she wants, but then last night I decided I ought to make up this pattern for a Little Cupcake Tote I’d bought last January. […]
I’ve been AWOL for a time, but I have a good excuse. 😉 My twin sister and her husband were visiting us from France! We’ve had such a good time, but of course blogging went by the wayside. They’ve left now, though, and it just so happens that my local […]
Have I mentioned lately that I really like Annie Unrein‘s patterns? 😉 I’ve shown you her MiPad Case and her Name Tag Bag, and now I’ve made her camera case. It’s a bit fiddly to do, since the curves are small (what camera case isn’t?), but it came out pretty […]
Not too long ago I made a MiPad Case. The pattern was designed by Annie Unrein, and I liked it so much that I bought another of her patterns. This time I made a name tag bag; this is to replace one I wasn’t entirely happy with, and I think […]