As I mentioned in my last post, we recently went to visit my twin and her family in France. She and her husband live near Paris, so we flew from Las Vegas to London and from there to Paris. The day after we arrived, the four of us went to […]
I’ve been quiet lately, but it’s because I’ve been away. Mike and I have been visiting my twin and her family, who live right outside of Paris. More about that later. While I was enjoying French food and scenery, I had a message from Sarah at the Electric Quilt company […]
A friend of mine showed our quilting group a lovely evening bag she’d made, and I fell in love with it; it just about matches a Bargello jacket I’d made not long ago. My friend kindly loaned me the bag for an upcoming special occasion, as well as the pattern […]
Hmmm … what’s this? Could it be …? Yes!!!! I braved the heat and finished up the last of the Winding Ways blocks for my quilt. 😀 This is what a stack of 104 blocks looks like. 😉 Here’s a better photo, though, showing all eight fabrics I used. Each […]
Have I mentioned that my sewing room faces due west? Have I mentioned that I live in the desert and that it’s hot here in the summer? Okay, I know I haven’t posted in a while, and I know it’s been even longer since I posted anything quilt related, but […]
It’s getting warmer and warmer here in the desert. Actually, I’m not really complaining, since we had an unusually cool (for us) spring. However, now that cooler weather is gone for the duration, and we’re hitting the 90s now, with temperatures over 100 beginning next weekend. Have I mentioned that […]