I’ve mentioned that I’m going to make a new quilt for our bed, and I’m planning to use the Winding Ways pattern. Since this pattern is all curved piecing, I thought I’d better make a practice block or two. I used leftovers from the table runner, which is almost finished, […]
My dryer is finally fixed, so I’m running my laundry from several days ago through the wash again and then through the dryer. While that’s going on, I’m quilting my table runner. 🙂 I’ve now finished one entire block’s feathers and am fairly happy with how the block looks. Two […]
I did say I was going to show you where I quilt, but then I only posted a photo of my Bernina. In the interest of full disclosure, I’ll show you the rest of the room. It’s a bedroom in our three-bedroom home, so it’s not huge — just about […]
I thought I’d show you where I quilt. This is my Bernina 630 (no embroidery module), which is set into a cabinet from Tracey’s Tables; I just love my set-up! What you see here is a table runner in progress. The three main blocks were done with paint sticks, and […]