
342 posts

Back to quilting!

Today I added borders to my miniature Storm at Sea. I chose purple for the inner border to give good contrast and teal for the outer border to tie into some of the other colors in the top. Now it measures about 21″ x 24″. The next step, of course, […]

My new design wall!

My sewing/computer room is a smallish bedroom, so by the time I have my computer desk, my sewing table, a rocking chair for handwork, and a few little extras, there’s very little space left over. I posted a few photos in an early blog post. One of the problems I […]


Yes, yes, I know I said it was finished. However, while I was in Houston a couple of weeks ago, I found these cute little balls of wool. They’re available in different sizes and in a rainbow of colors, but I bought small white ones for this. I think they […]

A UFO no longer

In July, 2009, I took a fun class from Rose Hughes on making landscape quilts. I say the class was fun, but the technique was definitely not something I enjoyed, unfortunately. I’m glad I tried it, but I won’t be doing it again, as far as I can tell. 😉 […]

You have to see this!

I haven’t been doing much quilting for the past few days, but I know someone who has. 😉 Some of you know that I have a twin sister who began quilting just about five years ago or so. She’s only very recently begun machine quilting, but what a job she’s […]