I’m a member of a French-speaking online quilting group, and the list mom suggested a little swap of pin cushions as a holiday activity. This is the little Santa (Père Noël) pin cushion that I made and which is now on his way to a new home. 🙂 He’s made […]
I’ve been home from the big Houston Quilt Festival for just hours short of a week now, and I think I’ve finally recuperated and caught up enough to get my blog caught up, too. 😉 A friend and I flew to Houston on Wednesday (11/2/2011), arriving in time to dump […]
I haven’t made a lot of noticeable progress on anything lately, but I do have a couple of projects going. The first is the quilting on my basket quilt. The lines of thread you can see in the photo are just the basting, which I’m clipping as I cross it […]
The pattern I’ve been working on has three parts to it, and I’ve just finished the last of the three, a heart-shaped pin cushion that will be donated to a project for our quilt circle. I like this one a lot and am thinking about making it again, but adapting […]
Just over a week ago, I showed you a scissors case I made from wool. Now I’ve finished a matching pin cushion to go with it. It’s rather a large pin cushion, so there will be room for lots of pins, and I’m hoping it will get good use when […]