Here is part two of my update. 😉 I’ve finished (all but one step, which I’ll explain in a minute) my Coneflower quilt! 🙂 This one measures 26″ x 21″ and is machine appliquéd (after fusing) and machine quilted. As I explained in a previous post, I took a class […]
Today is our granddaughter’s fifth birthday! I can hardly believe she’s five already, and she’s the youngest of our five grandchildren. Yikes! Naturally, we bought her a toy that she wants, but then last night I decided I ought to make up this pattern for a Little Cupcake Tote I’d bought last January. […]
In Houston last fall, I took another class from one of my favorite teachers, Philippa Naylor. This one was on techniques to use in curved piecing. I only finished the very center portion of the piece in class, and then — as these things so often happen — it was […]
My son-in-law has been “gently” hinting for a few years that he needed a new Christmas stocking. My daughter has one I made for her when she was quite young, and each of their three children also has one specially made for them, but my son-in-law has been using one […]
It seems as though I’ve been working — on and off — on this quilt forever, but it’s finally done. 🙂 It’s my Swap Baskets quilt that began as a swap (October, 2010) of signature blocks among the members of my local group. I had no idea what I was […]