Wednesday I was one of a group who drove to St. George, UT, for their state-wide quilt show. A quilt show is a strong incentive to put up with single-lane driving through a construction zone, and with six of us in the vehicle there was lots of chatter to keep […]
I’ve shown you this quilt in progress a few times, but it’s now finished! I’m really happy with the way it turned out, though it doesn’t quite fit on the wall where I’d planned to hang it; it’s a little too long. That’s okay; I’ll figure out a solution. 😉 […]
Can you see what I’m doing here? There’s a lot of gold tracery printed onto this fabric, so I’m outlining the major motifs of the central panel. I’m using a gold metallic thread that gave me fits at first but has now settled down to behave itself. 😉 I’ve done […]
… really, I am! 😉 I know I haven’t posted anything quilty in a long time, but I am quilting these days — as well as knitting and whatever else strikes me. LOL! And here’s the proof: This is a top that’s a bit unusual for me, in that it […]
No, not that kind of camping. 😉 I’m just home from attending the new Celebrate! Quilt Camp in Flagstaff, AZ. Summers there are so pleasant, since it’s up in pine country. This camp is a new one, since the one I used to attend each year fizzled, and the lady […]