I’ve just finished appliquéing the multicolored, multi-sized circles to my Fiesta (Block 3) project! Yay! This has been fun, so I can definitely see doing more hand appliqué in the future. Now I just have to decide how I want to quilt this so as to finish it up. Of […]
I’ve been forgetting to add this quilt to my blog and my “regular” web site. It’s called Water Lilies, as the colors I chose for it reminded me of Monet’s paintings. I began the quilt in a class well over a year ago, but the class was extremely disappointing, as […]
Rulers — can we quilters ever have enough of them? Naturally, we could all probably get along with a minimal number, but sometimes a ruler or set of rulers comes along that just makes life nicer and easier. The ones I’m talking about today are sort of comparable to Susan […]
Remember this post? Since then, I made the painful decision to redo that border, so I bought more red fabric for the narrow strips and more white for the background. This time everything seems to have gone much better, as the fabric didn’t bleed as I spritzed out the blue […]
I’ve been working on my appliqué project from the Karen Kay Buckley class I took at the Phoenix AQS show earlier this month. I finished the center block by hand and then began work on the outer border, which has seventeen quarter-inch strips applied to each of the four sides […]
Last week I was lucky enough to be able to attend my very first AQS quilt show; this was the one held in Phoenix. I stayed with my very good friend, and we had *such* a good time — as usual. HandworkAt any rate, I took two classes while there. […]