Yesterday the quilt group I belong to had its annual holiday party. We went to a local restaurant — one that treats us like royalty! — and visited, ate, laughed, and exchanged gifts. What’s not to love about a get-together like that? 🙂  Our gift exchange is anonymous, with a […]
If, like me, you live in the US, you may be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, and I hope it’s a very happy one for you. 🙂 I haven’t posted much in the past couple of weeks for a few reasons. First, my knitting project was “off” due to my mismeasuring. I’ve had […]
My quilt buddy, Phyl, and I met up in Houston again this year, along with a few more of her Phoenix friends. As always, it was a fantastic time! The only downside was the very wet weather, which saw Phyl and me almost swimming to the convention center one day […]
I’ve been away for almost a week and haven’t been able to do any quilting, embroidery or knitting while I was gone. However, today was different! 🙂 A very kind person, whose name I don’t want to reveal without permission, loaned me a Westalee ruler foot to play with and […]
Last summer, the San Francisco Stitch Company posted weekly machine embroidery blocks. I downloaded each one and made it, thinking that the blocks would be good practice for me. Who knew the blocks would also be so cute? 🙂 I had to put the finished top aside for a time while […]
I’ve had four of my five grandchildren over to work on quilty projects at one time or another, but the youngest boy somehow never made it. There were several reasons, but they’re not important now, since he and I finally found a mutually agreeable time this past Sunday! Yay! Most […]