This is Enchanted Pumpkin, designed by Claudia Dinnell. Can’t you just see it getting ready to become Cinderella’s carriage? I used my wonderful Bernina 780 to appliqué, embroider, piece, and quilt it. The embroidered appliqué alone took about a dozen re-hoopings, which always makes me nervous. In fact, I did […]
Free motion quilting
I’m between actual projects at the moment and awaiting inspiration for my next one. However, I decided to take advantage of the down time to practice my free-motion quilting a bit. It’s rather nice to do this, not only to try to improve, but also because there’s no stress involved, […]
I have a friend who introduced me to the Inheritance book series, written by Christopher Paolini. I’m not usually that fond of fantasy fiction, but these were really engrossing. 🙂 At any rate, my friend is having some health issues, and I happened to run across an embroidery file for […]
A couple of months ago, I posted the top to this quilt, and now it’s finished. Yay! For some reason, I didn’t completely paralyze myself this time with those awful inner questions: How should I quilt this? What if it doesn’t look okay? Will I mess up? — and so […]
This is the latest installment of the Lucy’s Nickels project I’ve been doing. This time we were supposed to do swirls that overlapped to make a sort of curved crosshatching pattern. While it was fun to do, I suspect it would be more effective if I’d done more overlaps. We’re […]
Pieced, quilted, bound and labelled — it’s done! I’ve mentioned before that I’m not pleased with the way I quilted this, but finished is good, so I refuse to wallow in regrets; I’m happy that it’s finished. The pattern came from KwiltArt, where you can find a wide variety of […]