
124 posts

lighted back of freestanding firehouse in red and black fabric with cream embroidery


It’s done! I have to say that putting the pieces together is pretty hard on thumbs that have some arthritis in them, but the alligator clamps that helped to grab the little “nubbins” and the button clips that held them in place afterwards made a difficult/fiddly task somewhat easier. I […]

Embroidered pieces for a free-standing firehouse not yet assembled. Fabrics are red, with black touches, embellished heavily with cream stitching.

In pieces

In fifteen pieces, to be exact!  One of the pictured pieces is actually two identical ones, so that’s why it doesn’t look like fifteen. I counted up how many stitches went into making these pieces, and the total was almost 378,000! I used up an entire roll of water-soluble stabilizer, […]

Embroidered pieces of an as-yet unfinished firehouse -- red fabric, cream embroidery.


I’ve started another project, but this one is proving to be a bit more time-consuming than I’d anticipated. I’ve done a few little free-standing embroidered appliqué projects, but this one is much more involved. To give a bit of background information, one of our grandsons is a firefighter, so when […]

Three framed embroidered projects with a compass rose on each and GPS coordinates for specific locations.

Compass Rose signs

I use Embrilliance embroidery software, which works beautifully on my Mac; unfortunately, the Bernina software isn’t Mac-friendly — and it’s lots more expensive. A few days ago, Lisa Shaw, who is an expert at digitizing (something I’m definitely not) shared a project and instructions on how to personalize it for […]