The other day I ran across some adorable patterns for zippered bags at the Disorderly Threads site, and I couldn’t resist making them for a couple of equally adorable young girls, one of whom is our granddaughter (of course!). The other is the daughter of our younger daughter’s boyfriend. Our […]
This couldn’t be posted back in March, when I made the cushion, simply because it was a gift that was only given this week. Our elder daughter and son-in-law celebrated their twentieth anniversary this week, and I wanted to make them a memento. The main side of the cushion came […]
Normally, if I were posting a picture of a quilt label, that would mean I was finished with the quilt. Not this time, though. I’ve finished the piecing, the quilting, the binding, and designing and embroidering the label, so what’s left? This quilt is going to get some bling! I […]
One of the things I’m working on while pondering which motifs to use in quilting my latest quilt has been the embroidered nativity set below (click on the photo to enlarge it, as always). I will be getting some tiny lights for it so that it becomes a three-part light […]
A few months ago I saw an article in the September/October issue of Designs in Machine Embroidery magazine, and it seemed like a pretty great idea for organization. Those pesky cords we all have to keep around for our mobile devices always end up tangled and disorganized, but the magazine had […]
Now that Christmas is behind us and all surprises are revealed, I can show what I made to give away this year. This first photo shows the five ornaments I embroidered for our grandchildren. These are all free-standing lace, meaning that there isn’t any actual fabric; all of the colors […]