This is the second block in the year-long BOM I’m doing through my local quilt shop. It’s by Riley Blake and is all done in the hoop with machine embroidery and machine embroidered appliqué.
I must say that, though this isn’t a style that usually appeals to me, I do think the finished quilt will be really cute. However, I also have to say that I’m not crazy about the way they’ve done the instructions; I find them a bit confusing and have to be very careful that the thread colors and fabrics are very carefully sorted out.
One thought on “Block #2”
Can’t wait to see how it all comes together as Riley Blake patterns are usually very nice. No matter what it will make a great gift in the end.
I decided that I would finish an ABC quilt from maybe 15 years ago??? They scribbled out the instructions & wrote in different one for thread colours & fabric which has faded over time. Well after this amount of time it makes no sense at all lol. But I believe it will be cute when its finished for a little one. Might not look like the final pattern but I don’t think that was ever a possibility based on what I’m looking at 😉 Reinforcement to not let things sit for this long unfinished.