Hot Tools Holder

Rectangular, open-top bag in dinosaur print with a large purple diagonal piece for accent and purple binding.This is from a ByAnnie pattern called Travel Essentials, and it’s little extra bag (Hot Tools Holder) to hold a curling iron, with a separate pocket for the cord. It makes it possible to pack a curling iron while it isn’t yet completely cool. The last seam was stitched through four layers of fabric, two layers of Soft and Stable, and binding; but my wonderful Bernina 790PRO acted as though it was butter!

I’ve been working on the main bag from the pattern, one of those roll-up bags to hold medicines and personal items, but I’ll have another few days before I get the video for tips and tricks on how to finish that bag up — it’s all part of a group tutorial where we get a step each week to do. It’s been fun, but I’m anxious to finish! This cosmetics/medicine bag will definitely be nicer than the one I’ve been using for the past several years, and I’ll get a chance to try it out during our quilt guild’s retreat later this summer.

The Hot Tools Holder will certainly make traveling with my curling iron safer and more convenient!

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