A couple of months ago I posted some embroidered Christmas tree blocks I was making. I’ve made a little progress since then, but it’s been slow. I’d love to blame that on the vacation we took or the work involved in getting new tile laid in the house, but in reality those things were only partially responsible. Once I’d put the blocks together into a top and done the stabilizing quilting, I just ran out of steam for a while. That happens, though, so no harm done. One of the things I love about quilting is that it does wait, in most cases, so no harm done. 🙂
I decided to do several different fills around the trees, and I’m just over halfway done with that now; I’ve finished seven of the twelve blocks! I’m hoping to do something different in the border, but we’ll see how that works out. In the meantime, this is a shot of some of the finished blocks, though I know it’s hard to see any detail. It’s so hard to get any “depth” with black! Luckily for me, I’d read a hint on Christa Watson‘s blog about using an “almost black” thread — that makes it so much easier to see as I quilt!