Passau, Germany

Passau, Germany

flood levels

Our last stop for this wonderful cruise was in Passau, Germany. Once again we had a walking tour, and we were very impressed with the wall markings in the photo to the right, showing how high the water was during the flood of 2013, as well as in previous floods. Amazing!




Passau, GermanyWe ended the walking tour in a square outside another St. Stephen’s Cathedral — St. Stephen was apparently quite important in the Danube regions. This cathedral is baroque in style and is exquisite.







Passau, GermanyPassau, GermanyHere you can see the magnificent altar and the marvelous detail work all the way to the roof.







Passau, GermanyHowever, the most awe-inspiring aspect of the cathedral is its pipe organ, with seven thousand pipes! We returned to the cathedral after a break for some refreshments and were fortunate enough to be able to hear an organ concert — it was fantastic!







Activities director, Captain, head chef, hotel manager, maître d'

That evening, our last onboard, the chef prepared a special dinner for us. The chief crew members visited each table to say farewell: from left to right, they are the activities director, our wonderful captain, the chef, the hotel manager, and the maître d’.


All good things must come to an end, and so it was with this cruise. The following day we were bussed to the Munich airport for our long trip home. How long? About 24 hours from boat to home! Needless to say, we were exhausted — and another adventure awaited us at home, but that’s another story!


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