

I’d been wanting another cocker for some time, but I thought it was best to wait. Wait, that is, until I happened to see a photo of a six-month-old puppy who needed a home. She’d been intended as a show dog, but things didn’t work out for a number of reasons, and I fell in love with her photo right away. She was my favorite color combination — a red/white parti-colored cocker spaniel — and she was so sweet! After communicating with her owner to get details and work out the logistics, we drove to Bakersfield, CA, on Feb. 2, 2008, and brought our new baby home. We named her Bisou, which means “kiss” in French — and she does love to kiss! <G> As it turned out, she was born on our anniversary, July 7, 2007, so it really did seem as though it was meant to be. 🙂

Here’s a picture of her playing with two other puppies before coming home with us.

Bisou + friends

The black and tan was also going to a new home, and the black and white belonged to the family who was taking her.

Once we got home, Bisou and Dexter got acquainted, and they seem to be working out well, though of course Dexter and Bisou weren’t as close as Dexter and Tuppence had been.

Bisou meets Dexter

She’s very playful, but she also loves to curl up under the quilt rack.

Bisou lived a very happy life, never. happier than when she was at home. She really didn’t like going anywhere, other than to our kids’ houses to see the grandchildren. However, in January 2022, she developed kidney disease and went downhill pretty quickly. We finally had to say goodbye and send her to the Rainbow Bridge on January 28, 2022; she was 14 and a half. Needless to say, the family is devastated, but that’s the price of the love of a wonderful dog.

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