Confetti Cupcakes Table Runner

I saw a pattern called Confetti Cake and really liked it, except for the size. The blocks were over 11″, and I’m on a “smaller-is-better” kick. <G> I decided to cut the strips necessary for making it at half the required size, and my blocks ended up being 3.75″ — much better! I only had enough of my fabrics to make ten blocks, so I set them on point into a table runner that measures 29.5″ x 15.75″. I used corded piping on either side of the border and machine quilted more of the feathers I like so much. It was finished in June, 2009.

Confetti Cupcakes Table Runner

Here you can see a bit of the quilting in the border and one of the setting triangles:

Confetti Cupcakes detail

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