Aidan’s Baby Quilt

Our fourth grandson arrived in late June, 2004, so I made him a quilt. Yes, it’s hot in the Las Vegas area in the summer, but I figure he’ll use the quilt the following fall and winter. 😉 This is made from a panel for a baby quilt that two friends from England and I bought while they were visiting here in 2002. Both of them made their panels into quilts ages ago, and I’ve finally done this one, too. The panel comes from a South Seas Islands line of fabrics called Once Upon a Time.

Aidan's baby quilt

I used the Twist and Turn technique to set the blocks from the panel, and then surrounded then with more of the same fabric as a border, with pinwheel blocks at intervals. I used purple thread to free-motion machine quilt this with loops, stars and hearts in the sashings and borders, and I outline quilted many of the motifs in the blocks with the same purple. Here’s a detail where you can see a bit of the quilting:

Aidan detail

The quilt measures 35″ x 41 1/2″ and was finished in March, 2004, in plenty of time for the baby, who is lying on the quilt here.

Aidan & his quilt





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